MONTHLY MESSAGE – January 2016
January 21 – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Alumni Hall at Ohio Dominican University
1215 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43219
Please join us! Nick Fortine, Advertising Director at Business First, will moderate a robust discussion on why and how your family business should utilize digital marketing as a strategy for growth. Marc Hawk, CEO of Conway Center member RevLocal, will present on the state of the digital marketing industry and offer best practices that will help family businesses ensure that they are gaining and retaining customers. Rob Ament, Vice President of Digital Strategies at Fathom, will talk about the Conway Center experience with digital marketing and the overall impact digital marketing can have on your business.
RSVP to Heather Howell at or 614-253-4820. The program is free for Conway Center members and $35 for non-members. Family business leaders attending for the first time may attend as our guest.
Networking and light breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Program begins promptly at 8:00 a.m.
Save the Date!
February 18 – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Alumni Hall at Ohio Dominican University
1215 Sunbury Rd., Columbus, OH 43219
Sponsored By:
Hiring is the number one challenge faced by many of our family business member companies. Betty Stanton of Taft/ will facilitate a discussion on hiring challenges and hiring retention best practices. Ken Lazar of Ability Professional Network will present tried and true ways to find, motivate, and keep employees in your family business. Tony Durieux of ALNI will share an experience he had with a bad hire that you do not want to miss! Put this date on your calendar now and watch for more details in the next Monthly Message.
RSVP to Heather Howell at or 614-253-4820. The program is free for Conway Center members and $35 for non-members. Family business leaders attending for the first time may attend as our guest.
Did your family business make any New Year’s Resolutions? If not, now is a good time for a family business check-up to determine strategy and goals for the coming year. What tools and resources do you need to take your business to the next level? As a Conway Center member, you have access to the many resources we provide as part of your membership. Throughout the year, we will offer 10 peer group programs, 9 monthly educational programs, at least 4 round tables, and several networking and social opportunities! These are open to your staff and employees and provide great relationship building and educational opportunities.
If you haven’t attended a Conway Center program yet, we encourage you to come to one or more in 2016. Peer Groups are a great place for members to connect with each other and learn from family business peers. The Business Development, Finances for Family Businesses, Human Resources, Leadership Development, Online Strategy, Succession Planning, and Women in Family Business Peer Groups are all open to any employee of a Conway Center member business. We also offer a year-long Next Generation Leaders Peer Group, starting each January, for family members who are working toward leadership positions in their companies. Additionally, the CEO Peer Group provides an opportunity for the CEO or President of a family business to interact with peers for a fee that covers their dinner meetings, social outing, and a holiday party. Finally, our Leadership 2.0 series is designed for members who complete three or more sessions of our Leadership Development Peer Group and offers more in-depth case studies for management training and growth.
We encourage you to try out a new Peer Group this year or share this opportunity with your staff. It’s a great way to build new relationships while acquiring new skills and knowledge…and a wonderful way to start the New Year!
Sincerely, Dick and Jill
If we ever have to cancel an educational program due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, we will notify the media sources listed below and send an e-mail to all of our members. For peer group cancellations, we will notify individuals who have registered and everyone on that peer group distribution list. In addition, all cancellations will be noted on our website calendar.
If you ever wake up and are uncertain whether we will be meeting, please check your email, or turn on your radio or television, and listen for our announcement before you head out the door. If there’s no announcement or no e-mail from us in your inbox, that means we’re waiting for you to join us! Please note – If Ohio Dominican University is closed, and your meeting is on campus, it also is cancelled.
Radio Stations: Sunny 95, 610 WTVN, WNCI 97.9, WOSU 89.7 FM, 97.1 FM.
Television Stations: 4, 6 & 10
Just a friendly reminder that the Conway Center for Family Business encourages relationship building and networking among family business members and between service provider members and family business members. However, the Center prohibits overt solicitation in all forms in order to preserve the trust and privacy of our members.
Service Provider members are strictly prohibited from soliciting family business members in any way including verbal and written communication, direct mail, e-mail and cold calls.
Family Business members are prohibited from using direct mail and cold calls to solicit other family business members.
Both Service Provider members and Family Business members must obtain written permission from the Conway Center for Family Business to use the Center’s name in any promotional letter, advertisement, or communication.
To sign up for any of our peer group meetings or to learn more about peer group opportunities contact Managing Director, Jill Hofmans, at or visit
for a full schedule of Peer Group programs.
Finances for Family Businesses
January 27, 2016
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Alumni Hall/Community Room
Ohio Dominican University
Topic: KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Development: Dashboards and ratios
Sponsored by Holbrook & Manter CPAs
Business Development Peer Group
January 28, 2016 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Room 274 – Griffin Center Ohio Dominican University Topic:
Who’s Managing Sales? Ensure Success Happens
CEO Peer Group – West
January 28, 2016 3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Scioto Country Club – Centennial Room
2196 Riverside Dr., Columbus, OH 43221
*RSVP required
Online Strategy Peer Group
February 3, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Fathom Columbus 1465 Northwest Blvd., Columbus 43212 Topic:
Local Digital Marketing Strategies
Women in Family Business Peer Group
February 9, 2016 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Room 274 – Griffin Center Ohio Dominican University Topic: Hiring Rules: Social Snooping
Next Generation Leaders Peer Group
February 9, 2016 Noon – 1:00 p.m. O’Brien & Associates 47 W. 3rd Avenue, Columbus, 43201 Topic: Building Resilience and Leveraging Feedback to Improve Effectiveness
Leadership 2.0
February 10, 2016
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Integrated Leadership Systems
501 W. Schrock Rd.
Suite 200
Westerville, OH 43081
Succession Planning Peer Group
February 11, 2016 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Room 274 – Griffin Center Ohio Dominican University Topic: Problem with combining business and personal assets: How to get money out of the business; What is a personal asset?; Real estate assets
Sponsored by The BCA Group at Morgan Stanley
CEO Peer Group – East
February 12, 2015 3:30-7:30 p.m. Location TBD *RSVP Required
Keystone Brand Meats Pete Dorley, Dave Dorley 3585 Harding Hwy., Lima, OH 45804 (419) 225-9600
Established in 1964, Keystone Brand Meats has been owned and operated by four generations of the Dorley family. The business has always raised and processed beef to supply restaurants and grocers throughout Ohio and Indiana. In recent years, Keystone has expanded to produce All Natural canned meats, broths, and soup bases. The cannery is now the largest part of the business, expanding throughout most of the United States. Company president, Pete Dorley, took over the business eight years ago for his father, Dave Dorley, who ran the business for over 30.
Ray Insurance Agency, Inc.
David Ray, Joe Ray IV, Joe Ray III Matt Rappolt,
1580 Fishinger Road, Columbus OH 43221
(614) 459-1122
Started in 1923, Ray Insurance Agency, Inc. is a fourth-generation, independent insurance agency focused on commercial and personal lines of property and casualty insurance. Joe Ray III and his two sons, Joe Ray IV and David Ray, and son-in-law Matt Rappolt are all partners in the company, which is currently transitioning from third to fourth generation leadership. Ray Insurance Agency offers a broad range of insurance coverage, including: commercial, personal, surety, health, and life – representing a unique blend of national and regional insurance carriers. Ray Insurance Agency’s primary goals are to help each of their clients establish thoughtful strategies for insurance protection, provide access to the industries best insurance markets, and to provide the most value possible by balancing relationships, coverage, service, and cost.
Adept Marketing
Gail Sech, Danielle Walton, Justin Spring, Christy Goodman
855 Grandview Avenue, Suite 140, Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 360-3132
Adept Marketing was founded in 2007 by Justin Spring and Danielle Walton to provide a better way to serve clients and build business value. They have built a team skilled in digital strategy, user experience, web design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, analytics, conversion rate optimization, and inbound marketing. Adept Marketing is at the forefront of digital marketing solutions and works across a variety of industries, including retail and consumer goods, healthcare, engineering, non-profit, and more. Justin and Danielle, along with Gail Sech, V.P. of Business Development, have helped place Adept on the “Top 10 Agency List” in Central Ohio. Adept was also named to the Inc., 5000 just this year and recognized, as one of the fastest growing privately owned companies in the US.
Auto Remarketing
That was one important message shared by Rick Ricart, the vice president of sales and marketing at the Ricart Automotive Group and third-generation …
White Castle, America’s first hamburger chain, is celebrating its 95th birthday this year. It announced it is kicking off a year-long celebration by …
Columbus Dispatch
IGS Energy, a big player among unregulated energy suppliers, is getting bigger with the announcement this morning that it has acquired DPL Energy …
New Year’s resolutions aren’t just great ways to set personal goals; they can help keep us on track professionally as well…
The 2016 Jefferson Awards are presented by WBNS-10TV, Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Services, and Lifeline of Ohio to recognize …
Wall Street Journal
A 68-year-old man owned an auto-repair franchise with his wife. … “Transferring a business within the family is a process, not an event,” says Mr…
South China Morning Post (subscription)
When a Toyota family member sneezes, a Toyota senior executive catches a cold. This may seem like an exaggeration to some Toyota watchers …
24/7 Wall St.
To be considered, companies needed to start as small, independent, family–owned businesses. Company history, including founding date, came from …
3 Family Business Success Stories
Cascade Business News
Most people think of Walmart as a corporate giant, but it’s also the biggest family–owned business in the world, highlighted recently by the Global …
Partners in business deals most often have different motivations and aspirations as they enter into new ventures together. My family and I are in the …
The family business environment should be conducive to team members questioning and brainstorming systems and solutions without judgment.
You work for years, decades even, building a successful business. You’ve amassed a great amount of wealth, but should you simply leave it to your …
Conway Center for Family Business
1216 Sunbury Road,
Columbus, OH 43219
Stay connected with the Conway Center!

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