Welcome New Members - Conway Center for Family Business

Welcome New Members

We welcome these following companies who have recently joined the Conway Center. New members bring new ideas and energy to our organization and we can't wait to get to know you and get you engaged!


Engineered Systems

9753 Fairway Dr
Powell, OH 43065

Principal Product/Service: Construction
Year Started: 1985
Generation of Leadership: 2nd

AMMAT Technology Company, Ltd.

6124 Avery Road
Dublin, OH 43016

Principal Product/Service: Manufacturing
Year Started: 2004
Generation of Leadership: 1st

Synergy Electrical, LLC

5850 Zarley Street
New Albany, Ohio 43054

Principal Product/Service: Electrical Construction
Year Started: 2012
Generation of Leadership: 2nd

E.E. Ward Moving & Storage

2235 Southwest Blvd
Suite H
Grove City, Ohio 43123

Principal Product/Service: Moving & Storage, Employee Relocation, Office
Year Started: 2001
Generation of Leadership: 2nd

Ohio Business Advisors

20 Northwoods Blvd.
Suite B
Columbus, OH 43235

Principal Product/Service: Business Brokerage & Valuation
Year Started: 1997
Generation of Leadership: 1st


Transform Labs

495 Metro Pl S
Suite 340
Dublin, OH 43017

Principal Product/Service: Technology Advising
Year Started: 1995

Transform Labs provides technology advising to small and mid-sized companies to help align and leverage technology to minimize risk and maximize profit.

A complete listing of Conway Center family business members can be found in our Membership Directory, by company name or business category.

The Service Provider Directory lists all our member companies who have built reputations for understanding and meeting the needs of family businesses.

If you know of a family business who would benefit by joining, please complete the brief Member Referral form.  Or, if you are interested in joining the Conway Center, please visit our Membership page for more information.

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