Family Business Blog | Conway Center for Family Business

News & Updates Blog

OSHA’s New COVID Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard

OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for COVID-19 vaccination and testing is officially in the Federal Register. By December 4, employers must comply with nearly all ETS provisions. COVID testing requirements must begin by January 4, 2022.

Year-End Tax Planning for Family Business Owners

While year-end tax planning should be done every year, with pending legislative changes on the horizon it is imperative business owners and individuals take time to assess their own personal situation. The following two documents serve as a reminder of the strategies you may wish to consider incorporating into your year-end planning. 2021 Top Ten […]

How a Fractional Executive Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

This is an intereting article in by Katie Murphy, a new Conway Center member and founder of Expansion Group. Fractional executives might be a good solution for family businesses that do not have a clear succession plan…yet. If you have a complex strategic initiative with an end date like the one I oversaw, this […]

2021 Family Business Forecast

Hiring a bigger concern than the pandemic, says central Ohio’s family businesses   The tenth Annual Family Business Forecast survey, conducted by the Conway Center for Family Business, revealed more than one in four (27.4%) Central Ohio family business leaders­ believe adapting to COVID-19 mandates and restrictions will remain one of their most significant business challenges […]

Webinar Offerings Continue Throughout the Year

Don’t miss the opportunity and convenience of Conway Center webinars! We will continue to partner with our Service Provider members to provide important information on a variety of family business topics. Below are some our scheduled webinars conducted via Zoom – free for all Conway Center members. Sign up today by clicking on the topic […]

FREE Online Courses from Ohio Dominican University

We are excited to announce that Ohio Dominican University (ODU), a partner and Service Provider member of the Conway Center, is providing all Conway Center members the opportunity to benefit from business related classes at NO COST for the Fall 2021 semester! The fall semester start date is August 16th. All classes are ONLINE and […]

Breaking up is hard to do. Is it time to say goodbye to masks? – from Conway Center member Sharon DeLay of GO-HR

Welcome to June 2nd, the day we’ll all fondly reference as MF-Day (Mask-free Day. Tsk. Tsk.)!  On May 17, the Ohio Department of Health issued updated guidance regarding wearing masks, which parallels the Centers for Disease Control. Many other states are following suit and saying so long to that little piece of fabric that quite […]
Family Business Communicator

Family Business Communicator – Spring 2021

Family Business Communicator – Spring Edition We are excited to share the digital version of our Spring edition of the Communicator, which highlights membership benefits/updates, our 2021 Family Business Forecast, an Awards recap, Centennial member spotlights, a memorial tribute to Dr. Thaddeus O’Brien, and much more.   Click here to view the Family Business Communicator.

In Case You Missed It – Dr. Gastaldo Talks To Us About The Covid-19 Vaccine

Today, March 29th is an important day in which all Ohioans 16 years and older are eligible to get vaccinated for Covid-19. Last week, Dr. Joseph Gastaldo, medical director of infectious diseases at OhioHealth, was our special guest discussing the vaccine and answering many Conway Center member questions. If you or anyone you know wants […]

Lessons I’ve Learned Working With Family – from Conway Center member Jason Carpenter of Environmental Pest Management

People often ask me how it is to work with my wife. I always say working with her is the easy part, the hard part is working with our children. When I started Environmental Pest Management 18 years ago, I had no idea it would become a family business, heck, I just wanted to be […]
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